Pigmentation Treatment

We offer a wide range of treatments for pigmentation, from laser light to topical products, Aesthicare peels and LED light therapy.

Uneven skin tones, sun damaged skin, rosacea, as well as dark patches and pigmentation problems caused by damage, inflammation, or the contraceptive pill, are all treatable.

Melasma (or chloasma) brown or grey pigmentation on the face is also treatable, although this can be more difficult due to hormonal problems. Depend­ing on the location and the appearance of the pigmentation you will be given advice on the best treatment for you.

We may recommend a range or combination of treatments – from skin peels, LED Phototherapy to laser in a way that we believe will best improve pigmentation.

Every case is different, and is individually assessed. A bespoke treatment plan will be tailored to your individual needs and skin type.


Treatment Session from £40.00